Meeting Minutes
Aug 17, 2020
I. Call to Order
a. Dan Doucet called to order the regular meeting for E.S.R.A at 7:04pm on Monday Aug 17, 2020 at the East Selkirk Arena. See Motion 20-13 for Agenda approval.
II. Roll Call
a. The following persons were present: Tara Bailey, Dan Doucet, Adam McConnell, Dave
Sasaki, Greg Zahayko, Pam Brechin, Blake Burnett, Bill Mooney, Danielle Veenstra, Joclyn
b. Regrets: Don Jasper, JoAnn Painchaud-Niemi, Heather Stanik
III. Approval of Previous Minutes
a. See Motion 20-14
IV. Old Business
a. Cheque Signing authority for Dan and Heather was completed in June.
b. Blake said we have $30,000 in the bank. We received the grant from the R.M of St.
Clements. We were not able to get the $40,000 loan from the gov’t (10,000 forgivable) as
there was an issue with the paperwork. Sunova is supposed to send us new forms to fill
out but we have not received anything yet. Blake to follow up with Sunova. We also finally received the $25,000 owing from LMHSA in July.
c. Board discussion took place. A number of items will be amended in the contract. We will need Heather to find out if we need additional COVID insurance. Blake also provided Dave with the ice rental form to be put up for use on the website. See Motion 20-16 for Ice rental agreement changes.
d. The AGM will be tentatively booked for September 28/2020 at 7pm at the club house. The constitution will be sent out via email so the board can put in any changes that are needed. Joclyn will have this in word document to track changes. This is to be completed by Aug 26th so that it can be sent out to the community along with the notice of the AGM by Aug 28th. Notice will be up on the website as well as through the RM newsletter. Blake to ask Roseanna to provide us with financials that reflect the constitution, July 1-Jun 30 th . Blake will also invite Tammy to the Sept meeting. Tara to email Blake questions to provide to Tammy
V. Director Reports
a. Treasurer: deferred until September meeting
b. Hockey Director: - no report
c. Field Sports Directors: Pam Brechin/Tara Bailey
i. Pam and Greg said the soccer skills went well in Jun. Two groups participated.
Ages 5/6 and 7/8. 39 kids signed up. It was an ESRA run program. Pam to provide
Blake with the breakdown of costs.
d. Fundraising/Grants: - no report
e. Facility Manager: Blake Burnett
i. Need to fix the well system, there is a leak. Board made a motion to approve this
expenditure. See Motion 12-15
ii. Ice will be put in around Sept 5 th /2020. Hockey try outs will be taking place mid-
iii. Baseball is taking place twice week over the summer, $25/game. Diamonds are
raked and lines painted twice weekly for that.
iv. Soccer practices for Tri-S U12 girls are taking place on the ESRA fields on
Tues/Thursday until the end of September as well.
v. Blake would like to see the board approve monthly rental fees for Quinton’s use of
the club house and the Rec centre food space. Blake to provide break down of
costs for the Sept meeting.
f. Website:
i. Dave will add in the ice rental form that Blake provided
ii. Notice of the AGM will go out by Aug 28 th on the website
VI. New Business
a. No mail
VII. Action Items for September 2020 Meeting: (to be included in Agenda)
a. Financial report discussion with Tammy/Heather
b. Monthly Rental costs for Quinton - Blake
VIIII. Next Board Meeting: Sep 14, 2020 at 7pm. E.S.R.A
Meeting Adjourned at 9:20pm