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Board Meeting Minutes March 2020

Writer's picture: ESRA BoardESRA Board

Meeting Minutes

Mar 2, 2020

I. Call to Order

a. Dan Doucet called to order the regular meeting for E.S.R.A at 7:01pm on Monday March 2, 2020 at the East Selkirk Arena. See Motion 20-04 for Agenda approval.

II. Roll Call

a. The following persons were present: Tara Bailey, Dan Doucet, Adam McConnell, Dave

Sasaki, Greg Zahayko, Pam Brechin, Blake Burnett, Bill Mooney, Joclyn Paulic, Danielle

Veenstra, JoAnn Painchaud-Niemi, Heather Stanik.

b. Regrets: Don Jasper

III. Approval of Previous Minutes

a. See Motion 20-05

IV. Old Business

a. Adam to present letter to LSMHA at their next meeting, he will ask to be put on their

Agenda to do this. This letter is a request for the breakdown of registration fees which

LSMHA has so far refused to give us.

b. Blake spoke to Quentin about him doing a fundraiser for us (pancake breakfast). Blake suggested we build this into our contract with him for the 2020/2021 season at the rink.

c. See Fundraising/Grants report.

d. Draft concession contracts. Need to add in a clause about posting hours. It was decided that 2 contracts are needed, one for the Club House, and one for the concession within the rec centre. The arena concession contract would run from August 15 th, 2020 – End of the hockey season in 2021. Need it to be signed by June 2020. The club house contract will need to be signed by the end of March and it will run from May 2020- August 2020. Blake gave both contracts to Quentin to look over and make any adjustments he would like to see then we will finalize them at the April meeting. Blake to give Quentin a March 15th deadline to have the contracts back so the board can review for discussion in April.

e. Blake/Heather to ask Tammy about providing monthly financial statements. The board has requested that it starts with the Bank balance at the beginning of the month, and then shows a line by line breakdown of revenues coming in, followed by a line by line breakdown of expenses. The report should end with the final bank balance at the end of the month.

f. Tara Bailey to email the draft skate services contract to the board for review.

g. Dan will discuss attendance issues with Don Jasper as the President is currently not a

member in good standing due to more than 3 consecutive meetings missed.

h. Blake submitted the grant application to the Selkirk & District Community Foundation for $11,000 to replace our existing boiler which is on its last legs. Blake will also email the board a sample letter currently used by ESRA to apply for grants.

i. Dan will write up a letter to the R.M from ESRA requesting them to grate our parking lot since they drive heavy vehicles in and out daily. Heather will send Dan sample letters.

j. Heather is running the newsletter for the RM and if we would like information included we can send it to her by the last week of the month to be in the next monthly letter. Bill will send prices for advertising with ESRA including a link for banner ads.

V. Director Reports

a. Treasurer: Heather Stanik

i. Heather to contact Tammy for up to date financial figures and will request that she

email us a monthly report.

ii. Heather will also contact Roseanna Sternat about our yearly financial statement.

b. Hockey Director: Adam McConnell

i. Season is done, the 1 day in-service tournament went over well and brought in

$975. Very well attended.

c. Field Sports Directors: Pam Brechin/Tara Bailey

i. Board discussed options on where to purchase the Jersey’s, either Keystone or

Montreal. $1500 difference between the two. Final decision for this goes to the

Field Sports Directors, and they are in favour of using the Montreal supplier.

ii. Soccer registration is open on-line now and going well. So far, 47 kids have

registered. In-person registration will occur on March 7 th and 11 th .

iii. Greg and Tara will go through existing soccer equipment with Blake at the end of

March during spring break.

iv. Baseball registration is also open and the links are on the website for this.

d. Fundraising/Grants: Bill Mooney

i. We have a couple of new sponsor signs up in the arena now. The contact

information for them goes to Blake, gets entered into quick books and then an

invoice for payment is mailed out.

ii. Bill would like to put up a “contact information” sign for those looking at doing

advertising within ESRA. Bill will contact General Signs in Selkirk to see about

getting this sign made up and the cost associated with that.

iii. Bill would also like to see us offer a banner ad for people looking to advertise on

our ESRA website. Dave to look at adding that information on the website.

iv. Canada Summer Student Grant – Dave Cain applied through the RM to host

summer activities at ESRA

v. 2020-2021 Grants require audited financials to apply.

e. Facility Manager: Blake Burnett

i. Had to get new tires for the Zamboni, $2000. Blake repaired the conditioner

springs and he will deal with an intermittent oil leak during the summer.

ii. There are issues with water lines and the heater in the Zamboni /compressor room

is out.

iii. Damages to the dressing rooms were sustained during the playoffs, Blake spoke to

the coaches of the teams involved and reiterated that they need to be more

mindful of the kids while they are in the facility.

VI. New Business

a. Cheque signing authority must be updated to reflect the new board. Tara will adjust the December meeting minutes to reflect the last names and positions of the new signees (Dan and Heather) Tara to email the motion for the cheque signing authority to Dan and Heather.

b. ESRA and RM to consider putting up polls on both websites about summer activities people in the community would like to see happen at the arena.

VII. Action Items for April 2020 Meeting: (to be included in Agenda)

a. Draft concession contracts – Blake to provide these for discussion

b. Skate Shop Update – discuss draft contract

c. Cheque Signing authority Update – Dan Doucet

d. Website Advertising - Dave

e. Monthly Financial reports – Blake/Heather

f. Ice rental policy review – Prime time vs. Non prime time rentals. Blake to provide past

rented ice times for board to review.

VIIII. Next Board Meeting: April 6, 2020 at 7pm. E.S.R.A Skate Shop

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30pm

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