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Board Meeting Minutes January 2020

Writer's picture: ESRA BoardESRA Board

Meeting Minutes

Jan 6, 2020

I. Call to Order

a. Dan Doucet called to order the regular meeting for E.S.R.A at 7:02pm on Monday January

6, 2019 at the East Selkirk Arena. See Motion 20-01 for Agenda approval.

II. Roll Call

a. The following persons were present: Tara Bailey, Dan Doucet, Adam McConnell, Dave

Sasaki, Greg Zahayko, Pam Brechin, Blake Burnett, Bill Mooney, Joclyn Paulic, Theresa


b. Regrets: Don Jasper, JoAnn Painchaud-Niemi, Heather Stanik

III. Approval of Previous Minutes

a. See Motion 20-02

IV. Old Business

a. Adam to present letter to LSMHA at their February meeting, he will ask to be put on their Agenda to do this. This letter is a request for the breakdown of registration fees which LSMHA has so far refused to give us.

b. Blake will speak to Quinton about him doing a fundraiser for us (pancake breakfast) in lieu of him paying any rental fees, which he does not currently pay. Blake will suggest Saturday as the better day for this to happen. Quinton also mentioned working with Frank’s pizza to have it available for people at the arena.

c. See Fundraising/Grants report.

d. Draft concession contracts. Need to add in a clause about posting hours. It was decided that 2 contracts are needed, one for the Club House, and one for the concession within the rec centre. The arena concession contract would run from August 15 th, 2020 – End of the hockey season in 2021. Need it to be signed by June 2020. The club house contract will need to be signed by the end of March and it will run from May 2020- August 2020. Blake will present these 2 draft contracts for board approval at the February 3 rd meeting.

e. Blake to ask Tammy about providing monthly financial statements. The board has

requested that it starts with the Bank balance at the beginning of the month, and then

shows a line by line breakdown of revenues coming in, followed by a line by line

breakdown of expenses. The report should end with the final bank balance at the end of

the month.

f. Tara Bailey provided a draft Skate sharpening contract to go over. It will need a clause

about room alterations being the responsibility of the vendor and requiring ESRA board

approval first.

g. Board has requested that we hold a special meeting to make changes to the constitution about when the AGM can occur. See motion 20-03. Public notice will be sent out 21 days prior to the special meeting which will be held immediately prior to the February 3, 2020 regular board meeting.

h. Blake would like to see the board apply for grants from the Selkirk and District Foundation for the upgrade of the boiler. Heather Stanik to look into this process. Further discussion is deferred to the February meeting.

i. Natalie was unable to attend this meeting however Adam has said she is good to organize the baseball program at ESRA for the spring 2020 season. She will speak with Tracey Gwynne about what is needed for the higher age groups.

j. Dave requested banking information from Blake to finalize the website ability to book ice slots on-line.

V. Director Reports

a. Treasurer: Heather Stanik (deferred)

i. Blake will also ask Tammy to provide the monthly credit card statements.

b. Hockey Director: Adam McConnell

i. The breakfast program has started, $80 per child, includes 10 skates and breakfast.

ii. The 3 on 3 tournaments is scheduled for Jan 31 st .

iii. Year end skills tournament has seen 10 teams sing up already, just need 2 more.

iv. Adam would like to see our ice-time policy reviewed regarding prime time slots and

weekend slots for re-occurring bookings. To be discussed at the next meeting.

c. Field Sports Directors: Pam Brechin/Tara Bailey

i. Pam asked all the past coaches to bring in any equipment they may still have.

ii. Greg asked Keystone sports to provide information on equipment costs for soccer


iii. Pam provided a budget for the 2020 season based on the 2018 season as we do not

have any information from the 2019 season. Pam will go over these costs with

Blake and assess what our equipment needs actually are and amend the budget


iv. We still owe money for the end of season tournament in 2019 as well as for the

referee cost. We have requested invoices from Chris Downey for these. We also

owe Vikki Gouveia for insurance costs from 2019. It has been determined that our

ESRA membership fees cover our insurance needs and no additional insurance is


v. We are also looking into running cash calendars again, including the timbits in this

fundraising as well. Pam spoke with Daerwood Press about printing and it cost us

$204 last year to make them up, and we had a profit of around $2000.

vi. We will be meeting with the other soccer community members on Jan 26 th

regarding MSA and whether to join that our stay as a house league. We will have

more information regarding budgets etc. after that.

d. Fundraising/Grants: Bill Mooney

i. Danielle met with Dave Cain from the RM. He said the RM is interested in running

summer camps at the Rec Centre and suggested we look at applying for the Home

Town Green Team grant to help facilitate this, as it can be used for infrastructure

needs. Dave also gave Danielle the names of people at the planning office to reach

out to. We may have to provide proof that we have a percentage of monies

required in order to receive infrastructure grants. He also suggested that we look

at doing a fundraiser with the NHL Old Timers tour. It is an initial cost of $20,000 to

get them here but we can sell tickets and look at VIP packages as well.

ii. Blake will look into what our capacity is with additional bleachers. Bill will also

speak with his father about how they used to run these events. Another idea is to

rent the Selkirk Arena for a better venue. We can also partner with St. Andrews or

another community to help run it and split the profits. This will be a 2021


e. Facility Manager: Blake Burnett

i. Ice rentals are doing well. LSMHA has booked 75 slots for the winter session.

ii. Novice board worked out well but Blake has issues with liability as parent

volunteers are on the ice putting them out when he is trying to clean the ice with

the Zamboni. They are not wearing helmets either. Dan will call Brad from LSMHA

and ask him about insurance and try to come up with a solution for this. It may be

that they just have to wait until Blake is finished or he goes after they are done. It

will cut into their ice time but it may be necessary to ensure safety.

iii. Blake will be keeping the ice in until the end of April due to new bookings that

require the ice until then. We will advertise this on the website so people know it is

still available to rent.

VI. New Business

a. Cheque signing authority must be updated to reflect the new board. Tara will adjust the December meeting minutes to reflect the last names and positions of the new signees (Dan and Heather) Dan will then take these to Sunova to start that process.

VII. Action Items for February 2020 Meeting: (to be included in Agenda)

a. Monthly Pancake Breakfast update – Blake Burnett

b. Draft concession contracts – Blake to provide these for discussion

c. Skate Shop Update – Don Jasper (Tara to amend draft contract)

d. Cheque Signing authority Update – Dan Doucet

e. Format of letters to be sent to RM as well as Selkirk and District community Foundation

for financial aid regarding parking lot and boiler respectively. – Blake Burnett

f. Monthly Financial reports – Blake/Heather

g. Ice rental policy review – Adam McConnell

VIIII. Next Board Meeting: February 3, 2020 at 7pm. E.S.R.A Skate Shop

Meeting Adjourned at 8:58pm

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