ESRA Soccer Registration Information
Timbits (U4 & U6) – Born in 2019 - 2022
Youth (U8 & older) – Born in 2018 -2008
Please read the entire page before registering.
Soccer games will be scheduled on the following days:
Monday & Wednesday: 4U, 6U, 8U, 15U
Tuesday & Thursday: 10U, 12U, 18U
Dependant on registration numbers, there might not be enough players to field a U18 team. If this occurs a full refund will be issued.
*Cash Calendars will be handed out at the first practice/game of the season
** A late fee of $50.00 will be added after March 28th 2025.
Registration includes the following items for your child:
Soccer ball + medal (keep)
Jersey (to be returned as the end of season)
End of Season Jamboree - Tentative Date: June 20th-22nd 2025.
Timbits (U4 & U6) & U8 will play 3 games. Each child will receive a medal.
Youth U10 & older will have games and medal playoffs.
Registration & Fundraising money also covers the following expenses:
Grass maintenance, line painting, equipment/upgrades, referee wages, player insurance, online registration, banking expenses, cash calendar expenses, credit card processing fees, and referee training.
Cash Calendars
Cash calendars are pre-paid with the registration fee. Parents can sell the calendars and keep the proceeds to offset the registration costs. Coaches will hand out the calendars during the first week of soccer.
Program Fee Support
Financial barriers should never stop a child from playing a sport. If you are eligible Kidsport or Jumpstart will cover registration costs. Equipment & fundraising costs are not covered. Contact to make other arrangements.
Refunds are assessed on a case-by-case basis, and will be calculated taking into consideration any costs already incurred.
A $25 non-refundable fee will be applied to all refunds.
No refunds will be issued after April 15th, unless accompanied by a medical note.
Parent volunteers play an essential role in ensuring an enjoyable and rewarding soccer season for the players.
Without parents volunteering to organize, coach and assist we would not be able to run a program.
At East Selkirk Recreation Association we appreciate the hours parents dedicate and therefore upon the return of equipment at the end of the season, the sport registration fee ($90 for Timbits, $125 for Youth) will refunded to those volunteering for the Coach and Assistant Coach positions, to a maximum of two coaches per team.
Please indicate on the registration form if you’re willing to coach.
Questions can be emailed to
Born in 2019 - 2022
Born in 2018-2008